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Piedicavallo (Biella, Italy): Frescos on the ceiling of the arochial church

Only rekords containing (in Subject or in Place or in Notes) the key words:
Piedicavallo (Biella, Italy): Autumn colors of the mountains above the village
Piedicavallo (Biella, Italy): Interior of the parish church of St. Michael Archangel
Piedicavallo (Biella, Italy): Entrance door of a house
Piedicavallo (Biella, Italy): Entrance door of a house
Piedicavallo (Biella, Italy): The main street of the town
Piedicavallo (Biella, Italy): Parochial church
Piedicavallo (Biella, Italy): Frescos on the ceiling of the arochial church
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Date: 04/06/2013 Camera: Fuji s100fs Lens: Fisso - Fixed ISO: 400 Exposure time: 1/2-2
Aperture: 2,8 Focal length: 28mm Place: Piedicavallo (Biella, Italy) Subject: Frescos on the ceiling of the arochial church
Notes: Fusion (obtained Using the page HDR on line on this site) of two pictures separated by 2 stops
Warning: I do not recommend visiting Piedicavallo, as there is a high risk of getting a hefty fine due to a restricted traffic area that is difficult to avoid, as the sign indicating when it is active is placed too close to where it starts to always avoid entering it (for example when there are many cars parked and turning around becomes almost impossible)!

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Piedicavallo (Biella, Italy) - Frescos on the ceiling of the arochial church